Thursday, October 06, 2005

Drunken Rantings

Another rare sighting

I would encourage all of you to take a gander at Hill TV within the next few days. My weekly column will be starting up within the week and I'm looking forward to really flexing my pretentiousness. I'm oiled and speedoed already. (Enjoy THAT image).

Random thoughts: So last night I was watching Dog: The Bounty Hunter. Don't ask me why...I simply can't come up with an explanation as to why I feel obligated to watch this horrible show. Actually, I can. As I said in another blogpost, I'm usually not one to covet my neighbor's wife, but then again, my neighbor isn't Dog: The Bounty Hunter. (In fact, my neighbor is a drug dealer.) That Beth is, to put it mildly, "Freakin' Sweet." God, I love the big girlz.

Know what I hate? Lots of things. But I really hate when people refer to Arnold Schwarzenegger as "The Governator". It's bad enough the guy is a governor, period. And I don't even live in the same state as him, the Angry Veteran, and a cool California chick. But it still irks me. Kinda like when Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez became "Bennifer." Not that I gave a fat, floating shit about either of them, but the fact that some people DO drives me nuts, because I had to hear about it on TV (those rare times I turned it on) and the radio.

Coupla shout-outs God, I hate that term too, but I'm 3 sheets to the wind (thanks, Guinness!), so I don't care.

Angry Vet-Update your blog, you stupid bastard.

Dr. Murk, I love you in that special way men love other men.

Malach...umm...I ain't got nuttin' for you, man. I'm busy tryin' to do for me.

I wish they all could be California Girls (like you, Tel), or New York Girls (Like you, Red Flame, who is too chicken to post to this blog). Tel, please tell your friend Sassy I know why she cried during Serenity, but I'm way too much of a man (i.e. I'm emotionally dead inside) to show similar feeling, even though the biggest Scottish guy I know (6'7") cried too (no, I'm not kidding). I'd tell her myself, but her post on Serenity was old, and no one checks old posts for comments except me.

Owen is the Tree of Happiness. Seek his fruit.

Eve, I just got off the phone with you. Get back here for the holidays. Please.

Betty-as always, you're just the bee's knees. (Now you KNOW I'm drunk).

OK, I'm off to drink the rest of my pub draft cans. I'll do a real update soon. In the meantime, check Hill TV and get inspired! Slainte!

PS: Before anyone asks, Yes, I am wearing underwear in this picture. I don't usually when wearing my kilt, but I figured I'd err on the side of caution for this. Attractive as it is (all things considered), my scrotum doesn't need to be seen all over the Web.


Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

I just rubbed one out to that pic . . . oh and have you heard TOMKAT is having a baby?

Cool my word verification is CHTIIL, now use that in a Cthulhu Campaign.

Thu Oct 06, 10:59:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm, my word verification was "eload"....

Not sure what to think about that.

Not sure if I should think about it.

And if by fruit, you mean piss apples, then I guess I have some of those for people.

p.s. I tried and failed to see Serenity last night, to my surprise (and satisfaction) it was sold out, so I saw Corpse Bride instead. Not bad, but not as good as Nightmare Before Christmas. I recommend it as a fun rental.

Fri Oct 07, 09:55:00 AM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And of course, now that I finally get my act together and get the blog up, I find this morning that the server host has apparently shit the bed.

Damn Canadians.

Server must have been eaten by a bear, or a moose. Or a moose-bear.

What’s that aboot, eh?

Fri Oct 07, 10:07:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Auntie Sassy said...

Dear Mr. AngryPiper, a few things.
1. I totally check old comments. All of the time. I believe that some people call it OCD. I call it feeling the love.

2. I consider the way that you feel about Dr.Murk to be the perfect example of loving him in a "Viking Way". Well done!

3. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE that you used the phrase "the bee's knees". The Hubby, our friend DemonNachos and I tried to resurrect the phrase, but failed. I'm glad to know that the torch is still being carried by someone. It's much nicer than the "cat's ass"...which is just kind of an icky thing to call someone. (Did I mention that I loved reading “the bee’s knees”?)

4. You can post comments on my blog just as many times as you want to. I think you are the FunnyPiper. Or maybe the Cold-Unfeeling-and-Not-So-Much-Angry-After-All-Piper. ;)

Fri Oct 07, 04:39:00 PM 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanted to let you know that I finally got the chance to read your blog today...they certainly are you and Katie says that you look funny in the kilt...(well that is what you get from an 11 year old) she sends you hugs. Talk to you soon, I hope!

Fri Oct 07, 06:05:00 PM 2005  
Blogger The Angry Piper said...

Tel: Malach once commented that Dog looks like a wrestler. And, yeah...I like Beth. Pretty much anyone who knows me (which includes almost anyone who has posted to this blog more than once)knows I'm all about the big ladies. Beth's not my usual type though...she's too much of a "bad" girl. But I'm not made of stone.
Pretend you're a guy for a few minutes, take a look at her, and you'll immediately understand why I like her. You may not agree with me (like Murk and Malach), but you'll understand, bra!

Owen: the best part of living far enough outside of major cities like
Beantown is that nothing ever gets sold out around here. I'm glad Serenity is getting sold out...that means more people are seeing it and hopefully it will continue in some way.

Sassy: 2: Murk and I have plans to sack some cities on the East Coast soon. When he puts on his Viking outfit, I call him Mjurk.

3: You can't get much more bees-kneesier than Betty.

4: Thanks for the open invite. Truth be told, I'd talk to you about Firefly and Serenity all day but I don't want to ruin it for people unfamiliar with either because I want them to see it for themselves. I'm betting we both have a thousand observations and appreciations and inside jokes and stuff that only fanboys (and girls)get into. In short, we're both geeks.

Sat Oct 08, 08:26:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Christopher said...

Ja, und vee yoost sjacked dee sigs pag oov gjuinness, ja vee deed!

word verification: winotcc

Means nothing.

Sun Oct 09, 09:27:00 AM 2005  

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