Friday, November 11, 2005

Intelligent Design

Yay Pennsylvania! Boo Kansas!

For months now I've been contemplating a rant on Intelligent Design reminiscent of the Angry Piper of old, like my rant on The War on Terror. For whatever reason (probably simple reluctance to deal with idiots espousing said belief) I have held off. I guess it's time I chimed in.

Now, when I say espousing said belief, I don't mean that anyone who believes in a creator is an idiot. I am one such person; I have often detected the FSM's noodly appendage apparent in our daily lives. (No, seriously, I do believe in God; I do NOT believe in organized religion, but my beliefs aren't the focus of this blogpost).

I was pleasantly surprised and simultaneously dismayed the other day when I heard about the latest ID rulings. First: the good news: In Pennsylvania, the court case on whether Intelligent Design should be taught in schools wrapped up its arguments. The judge hasn't officially ruled yet. But THE PEOPLE have!!!! On Tuesday the 8th, EVERY member of the PA School Board (all supported ID as curriculum) was voted out of office. Stings, don't it?

However, in Kansas, the School Board unanimously passed the State standards tests should include Intelligent Design. While they didn't come out and say it was mandatory for science teachers to teach it in their classes, by making it part of Statewide standards they basically made it so; anyone who doesn't get taught ID will be at a disadvantage they wouldn't experience anywhere else in the country (although there are more states lined up for that nonsense, too: New Mexico and Ohio among them). Kansas even changed the literal definition of science to allow for a broader interpretation of natural law; i.e. in Kansas, "science" may consider unprovable, supernatural or unexplained causes in scientific explanation.

And they think this is a step forward?

I would post more of my thoughts on this insanity, but Dr. Mantodea has expressed it far better than I could. Check out his blog.

In other news, it seems none of you cared about my Bruins game experience. Check out my third installment of the book-of-the-week; it has been up at Hill TV for a few days now. 3 books in 6 weeks. I'm not exactly living up to the "of-the-week" part. Dr. Murk has been discussing a possible podcast so you may soon be able to hear the seething hatred and bile that is the voice of the Angry Piper. In the meantime, check out the Murk and Malach Show. It's funny, and they managed to get the Pope as their guest the first time out! Dick Cheney is the guest this time.

UPDATE: This speaks for itself.



Blogger The Angry Piper said...

Intelligent Design is a pretty word for Creationism, which is the belief that Darwinism, i.e. evolution, is a bunch of crap and that God created the world and everyone in it. Now, as Dr. Mantodea so eloquently expresses, it's not like you can't believe in both, but Intelligent Design rejects evolution utterly.
Not surprisingly, those behind Intelligent Design (recently re-named to avoid the rulings that outlawed Creationism, a form of religion, in public schools) are...wait for it...wait for it...

Evangelical Christians.

I know you're surprised.

Now, many cultures and religions believe in a Creator. But it's only the EC's that are pushing for their view to be put in schools to be taught to EVERYONE. Yes, that includes people who are Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist and people like Dr. Mantodea who are athiests (could YOU believe in God after your head was turned into that of a praying mantis?)

Heck, even the Roman Catholics accept evolution (officially as of 1995, thanks to JP2) and they still believe in God.

PS: Nice to see you overcame your blogphobia. Now contribute something to HIll TV.

Fri Nov 11, 11:57:00 AM 2005  
Blogger Malach the Merciless said...

And now the Murk and Malach show is the more acceptable MP3 form fignuts

Fri Nov 11, 02:40:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Christopher said...

Ooooh! Look. We done did a second Podcast with Dick Cheney!!!

Sat Nov 12, 03:55:00 PM 2005  
Blogger Eve said...

I dont need a freakin crystal ball to tell you what side of the fence Texas will be on regarding this subject. Also, anything that has to do with Pat Robertson cant be intelligent.
On another note, I love the book reviews. You made me almost want to reread Moby Dick.

Mon Nov 14, 05:16:00 PM 2005  

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